Board of Director elections close at the November AGM.

The Board of Directors is the legal authority for the IIBA® Chapter. As a member of the Board, an Officer acts in a position of trust for the organization and is responsible for the effective governance of the organization. Requirements of Board membership include:

  • Commitment to the work of the IIBA.
  • Membership in the IIBA International and local chapter.
  • Knowledge and skills in one or more areas of Board governance: policy, finance, programs, personnel, and advocacy.
  • Willingness to serve on committees.
  • Physical attendance at Board meetings, assigned committee meetings, the Annual General Meeting, membership meetings, and Professional Development Meetings.
  • Support of, and participation in, special events.

Board Members are elected by the membership at the Annual General Meeting. Officers serve for a two-year term, except the Director-at-Large who serves for one year. Officers may be released at the end of the elected term, by resigning, or according to the IIBA Phoenix Chapter bylaws. A Board Member is fully informed on organizational matters and participates in the Board’s deliberations and decisions in matters of policy, finance, programs, personnel, and advocacy.

The Board Member shall:

  • Approve, where appropriate, policy and other recommendations received from the Board or its standing committees.
  • Monitor all Board policies.
  • Review the Chapter bylaws and policy manual, and recommend bylaw changes.
  • Review the Board’s structure, approve changes, and prepare necessary Chapter bylaw amendments.
  • Participate in the development of the Chapter’s organizational plans and annual review.
  • Approve the Chapter’s budget for fiscal year, with quarterly reviews.
  • Support and participate in evaluating Board Member performance. Performance is evaluated annually based on the performance of assigned

Board requirements and duties.

  • Assist in developing and maintaining positive relations among the Board, committees and the community to enhance the Chapter’s mission.
  • Perform all duties as described below:


Harvey Schroeder

  • Provide leadership to the Board of Directors of the Chapter.
  • Ensure the Board adheres to its bylaws.
  • Prepare the Board’s agenda with input from the Board members.
  • Chair Board meetings and encourage Board members to participate in meetings and activities.
  • Keep the Board’s activities focused on the organization’s mission.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the Board’s decision-making process.
  • Appoint committee chairperson(s).
  • Orient Board members and committee chairpersons to the Board.
  • Ensure there is a process to evaluate the effectiveness of Board members.
  • Recognize Board members’ contributions to the Board’s work.
  • Act as one of the signing officers for disbursements checks and other official documents.
  • Promote the organization’s purpose in the community and to the media.
  • Prepare a report for the Annual General Meeting.
  • Ensure programs and services are implemented.
  • Arrange location and logistics for Board meetings.
  • Responsible for overall strategic plan.

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Vice President

Ramez Alghazzouli 

  • Provide leadership to the Board of Directors of the Chapter.
  • Ensure the Board adheres to its bylaws.
  • Prepare the Board’s agenda with input from the Board members.
  • Chair Board meetings and encourage Board members to participate in meetings and activities.
  • Keep the Board’s activities focused on the organization’s mission.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the Board’s decision-making process.
  • Appoint committee chairperson(s).
  • Orient Board members and committee chairpersons to the Board.
  • Ensure there is a process to evaluate the effectiveness of Board members.
  • Recognize Board members’ contributions to the Board’s work.
  • Act as one of the signing officers for disbursements checks and other official documents.
  • Promote the organization’s purpose in the community and to the media.
  • Prepare a report for the Annual General Meeting.
  • Ensure programs and services are implemented.
  • Arrange location and logistics for Board meetings.
  • Responsible for overall strategic plan.


Andrea Ahlsen

  • Maintain copies of the organization’s bylaws and the Board’s policy statements.
  • Take official meeting minutes, including all motions and decisions of meetings.
  • Record Board attendance and ensure there is quorum at meetings.
  • Maintain copies of minutes of Board and committee meetings.
  • Distribute copies of minutes promptly and sign Board minutes and corrections to attest to their accuracy.
  • Conduct and maintain records of all Board correspondence.
  • Sign official documents of the organization as required.
  • File amendments to the bylaws and other incorporating documents with the Arizona •Corporations Commission.
  • Chair Board meetings in the absence of the President.

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Tomika Ferrell

  • File the federal and state tax returns as required by law.
  • Give regular reports to the Board on the financial state of the organization.
  • Keep financial reports on file.
  • Act as signing officer with the President for checks and other documents.
  • Manage the accounting of the funds of the organization, its budget and expenditures.
  • Keep full and accurate accounts of all organizational receipts and disbursements.
  • Receive and bank all monies due to the organization.
  • Disburse all monies as directed by the Board.
  • File necessary financial reports, tax reports and audits.
  • Ensure compliance with local and corporate fiduciary responsibilities.

Vice President (VP) Communications 

Dawn Daniel-Conlon

  • Ensure that all communications, including the website, are consistent with the desired brand positioning, messaging and have a common look and feel.
  • Ensure communications of chapter events such as PDM’s, Board Meetings, and other necessary communications.
  • Promote the vision and mission of the Chapter.
  • Maintain media contacts and other IIBA organization contacts.
  • Develop and manage marketing strategies, tactics, and plans for the Chapter to elevate awareness in the business community and support the execution of the organization's goals. 
  • Marketing through social media of chapter events, chapter mission, PDM’s, workshops, and other chapter activities that will result in the growth of the Chapter.
  • Conduct periodic member surveys to assess the organization’s needs.

Vice President (VP) Professional Development 

(Open Position)

  • Coordinate activities promoting the IIBA® CBAP®/CCBA® certifications.
  • Sets-up Study Groups so that groups of people can prepare together to take the CBAP®/CCBA®/ECBA® certification exams.
  • Assists with community outreach to find locations to promote certification and to hold Study Groups.
  • Announces progress of study groups at monthly PDM Meetings.
  • Announces any newly certified individuals at monthly PDM Meetings.
  • Is a liaison between the Chapter and the International IIBA® executive committee regarding questions and issues on certification and recertification. Follows International guidelines for conducting Study Groups.
  • Provides information on how to satisfy education and experience requirements to sit for the IIBA® certification examinations.
  • Provides information on recertification requirements.
  • Provides/publishes activity opportunities for recertification.
  • Provides information on how to report re-certification activities.
  • Works with VP Programs to have programs that promote certification/re-certification and that sessions provide adequate coverage for re-certification around the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK®).
  • Maintains records for all Study Groups (including attendance) in case of IIBA® review.
  • Produces PD/CDU certificates to be available at PDM meetings for those certified and requiring credit, including which BABOK® knowledge areas are covered by the program.

Vice President (VP) Membership 

Sandra Lee

  • Responsibilities generally include promotion, recruitment, enrollment assistance, membership tracking, renewal encouragement, and facilitating the distribution of information relative to Chapter and IIBA member participation.
  • Collects and reports the status and success of membership activities formally no less than annually, and informally at each Board and Professional Development Meeting.

Vice President (VP) Technology

Joseph Aranyosi

  • Ensures the local chapter website accessibility to chapter, prospective and board members.
  • Maintains accessibility and permissions of the website and other tools.
  • Maintains the ability to make payments on the website.
  • Responsible for maintenance of other tools such as Email.
  • Ensure chapter technology meets IIBA requirements.
  • Be the technology liaison to IIBA.
  • Ensure the backend systems of the website support frontend functionality.
  • Supports technology needs for chapter meetings.

Vice President (VP) Programs 

Afra Corona

  • Coordinates all the activities for Professional Development Meetings. This includes coordination of speakers to present programs.
  • Validates room set-up with speaker in advance of meeting. 
  • Maintains and publishes calendar of meeting events. 
  • Makes sure that meetings are properly and timely updated on websites.
  • Arranges location and logistics for Professional Development Meetings including food and beverages. Delegates duties as necessary to others. Uses check sheet to make sure that no items are missed for each meeting.
  • Works with VP Professional Development in aligning program content with the BABOK® to make sure we are providing programs of valued content.
  • Works with Treasurer to make sure that the meeting rooms are paid for and reserved in advance.
  • Assists with publicizing upcoming speakers through member mailings and other methods in coordination with the VP Communications.
  • Organizes special events such as the Annual Holiday Party and Annual Panel event with the assistance of a committee.
  • Meets and greets Speaker and introduces them at meeting. 
  • Creates a Certificate of Appreciation to give to speaker at end of the meeting.
  • Collects and analyzes Program Evaluations to improve the quality of speaker engagements and reports back to the Board of Directors at the next regular meeting. Also provides this feedback to Speakers so they know effectiveness of their engagement.
  • Collects requests from members on meeting topics.

Past President

Kristen Call

  • Support the current President.
  • Chair the Nominating Committee for the recruitment of new Board members.
  • Assist with Board recruitment and orientation to the Board.
  • Assist with Board training.
  • Be the liaison with the IIBA® International.
  • Provide historical continuity about the Board’s activities.